Canine Companion will help you to help your dog meet your expectations and to fit comfortably into your family. The training methods we use are reward-based and are geared to strengthen the relationship between humans and their dogs. The dogs are happier. The humans are happier. They learn to enjoy working together.
The lead trainers of Canine Companion by Certified Trainers are graduates of Purdue University’s DOGS!! Principles and Techniques of Behavior Modification Course, Canine Good Citizen evaluators for the American Kennel Club and professional members of the Association of Pet Dog Trainers. Amongst us, we have also achieved the title of Tellington Touch Practitioner, Certified Pet Dog Trainer and endorsement by the National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors. Together we can offer thirty years combined experience in various aspects of dog training.
We offer classes as well as private instruction in the Fort Wayne, Huntington, Columbia City and surrounding communities. We are available for workshops and speaking engagements. Call for more information.